
Series Structure

This series is presented where each episode depicts the same day but from the various perspectives of the neighbourhood tenants. Each episode is character-driven and designed around their perspective, where we see their stake’s beginning, middle and end within the critical event evolve. As a result, each main character will have their own episode, 8 in total, where they serve as the protagonist for their perspective of the story.  


However, as the episodes progress, more subtle clues and moments will be revealed that tell a more robust and independent story of what is happening in the neighbourhood. We will learn about previous and future characters through the lens and actions of the specific character in episodic focus. So, here we are learning about each character in a profoundly intimate manner while also exploring the dynamic of each character’s role as they fit within the story. This forms a drama thriller story style that leaves the audience guessing and thirsty for more story details as they continue throughout the season.

Samantha Anthony (Bubbles)
Nevaya Wilkins


A modern theme for the film industry & video production
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